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Bean has arrived!

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awww congratulations!!!! I tried to come on earlier but the mouse ran out of batteries!!! so I have sent hubby off to the shops and have returned!! :D


I love the name very pretty!!!!!


I saw this a while back .. may be a tad young for it just now though.. :?



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Hey Folks.

Em has asked me to update you all on the situ with her and Izzy :D


I got a call from her at 3.30 am on Tues morning to tell me the great news. The birth went absolutely to the text book and she and Mo were just beside themselves. She hadn't had much sleep for the previous 48 hours, but I am sure that was not on their minds at that time! Isabelle Lilian, as you all know, born in a pool very happily, and Em needed nothing other than gas and air. When I spoke to her they were just about to crack open the champagne and the midwives were leaving them to it...


Last night she rang again to say that she (Emma) had been admitted to A&E for tests, as the suspicion was that there was a possible blood clot.

They did xrays which were, "Inconclusive" :roll: so they decided to keep her in for "observations".

Anyway, to cut an incredibly long night short, they sent her home and she got to bed at midnight. Poor girl must be exhausted.

Had a quick text from her this morning and a beautiful MMS of Izzy... sweet! :dance:

Hopefully things will be lovely and peaceful for them all today.

Em will be posting piccies herself hopefully later on today :dance::dance:

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Thanks for the update Annie (and hello to you too xx)


Huge congratulations Emma and Mo. Can't WAIT to meet Isabelle. I am over the moon for you both. Wishing you a good recovery now Emma, what a star you are, well done lady. Enjoy some quiet time as a family and give that wee daughter a mini squeeze from her Auntie Gina. Bless you all.


PS Lovely names too, Mummy Lillian will be so proud xxxx

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Awe Emma, sorry to hear that you've had a few problems. I kept passing out after I had Duncan, and had to have blood transfusions eventually, and it kind of took the shine of things for a while. Hope everyone is looking after you and Isabelle, and giving you the peace to enjoy those first precious few days!


Can't wait to see the pictures!!!

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