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For the past year I have been working at a clients office on a contract basis. Due to the recession said client decided that as it was cheaper to hire permanent staff instead of contractors, fair enough. I knew they were advertising but was not aware that it was my job :shock: they were advertising. I was invited to apply (on the deadline) which I did, thinking I should be in a strong position.


Well apparently not :doh:


They have taken on two people, one I already work with (who laughed at me for applying, then did so himself after the deadline) and a new guy who starts on Monday. I wondered what that pod was under the desk :lol:


Luckily they have been good enough to give me 12 weeks notice, I think contractually they are only obliged to give 7 hours :shock:


I am not really looking forward to next week, it is going to be really awkward, 'Dead Man Walking' meets 'Relieved New Starter' :eh: It is going to be difficult doing my job when really all I want to do is find a new one and clear off.


All of my usual clients have either vanished or are in dire straits (not the band) so there are only a few chairs left, the music has just stopped and there are thousands still standing and now there's someone else in my chair :roll:


I am obviously dissapointed but not bitter, that's the nature of the game I am in.


I think the allotment will look nice this year.


Anyway sorry for the ramble, wish me luck in my job hunt.



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Hi Kev,


So sorry to hear your news and I hope you find something very soon. I hate it when employers do that to people.


What line of work are you in? You never know someone on here might have heard a whisper about an opening somewhere :!:


There is one positve point.......it'll cost you a lot less to survive unemployment (if it comes to that) as a non-smoker :!::D


Very best wishes and good luck.



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Thanks Guys,


I think I will be ok, I know I am talented, but it only takes a couple of knocks to dent the old confidence.


I do have a couple of irons in the fire.............. :shh:


And there is always the Dragons Den!


Plus I am still relatively healthy and have a very talented Wife. :D


So on the whole I am happy, glad to be alive, still off the fags, have many friends (some of whom I am yet to meet) and I am technically still employed.


I will continue to endeavour to influence the things that I can, but also continue to accept that it pretty much isn't my fault if some fools decide to knack the economy.


Yes Gordon I mean you and your .....well just you really.




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Sorry to hear about your job, Kev. :(


I took early retirement from the NHS 18 months ago, rather than be "reconfigured", and have never looked back. The girls have never been so lucky, having me around to attend their every beck and cluck, the allotments are at last getting the attention they deserve and all the long overdue DIY is finally getting done.


Of course, you're far to young and talented to settle for that! :wink:


Good luck with the job search.

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