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Chicken Memorials

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My lovely little Maggie finally lost her battle with peritonitis and was put to sleep today :cry: She was always the smallest of the hybrid girls but a lovely little character, will always remember her when she was a pullet following me about the garden bringing me back the bulbs I'd just planted :)


No more pain now sweetheart - will miss you baby girl x

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Sorry for everyones losses.

I lost my first ever gir yesterday.. A Buff pekin bantam. She wasn't that old, but we've had her since she was a litte chick. The fox took her.. :( They was all free ranging, and went into my next door neighbours garden.. The fox came and.. Attacked a 18 pound turkey hen, cheryl, who is making a vast recovery, but unfortunatly killed my little dear.. i will really miss her. she was new to laying and recently stopped and went broody on us. Il miss the way she jumps up for worms, sits on your lap, i can still remeber the day i got her ! rest in peace now little girl, thinking of you. :(

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Lost our Darling Ginger on Monday, she was the sweetest of our 3. It was only when I changed my signature that I noticed we had lost Bon Bon a year ago yesterday. hope they are free ranging together xx :pray:


Big hugs to everyone i really didnt think I would be soooooooooo attached to them

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Today was Hazel's Heaven Day :cry:...........She was "helped" on her way by our wonderful friend who had been looking after them all whilst we were away last week. As many of you will know Hazel was one of our batties, & she had spent most of the past winter indoors as she simply could not cope with the cold :(




Miss you loads little one, reunited with Tulip & Buffie, free range always my beautiful girls :cry::cry:


Sha x

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My lovely Obi Hen Ke"Ooops, word censored!"i, 2 1/2 year old gingernut ranger was pts today by the vet.

She'd had v runny poo for a while and although she rallied when I re-wormed her a few weeks ago, for the last few days she had kept herself separate, seemed to be losing weight. Today her crop was full of light coloured fluid and she was totally off her food, but very thirsty.

She was sleepy and quiet at the vets, but passed watery poo with urates in. He thought it might be kidneys, or possibly something stuck in the system as her crop was so full. He advised the euthanasia.

I'm so upset and the last thing I would want was for her to suffer. Even though he advised it, I can't help asking myself if I could have done anything more.

Calming words please, omleteers. It's our first loss and our favourite girl.

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Much-loved chicken of this parish. She was one of my first chickens, a gracious and cool top girl and beautiful as well as a great layer. She was quiet for a couple of days and I found her in the run on Friday morning. She will be missed :(



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AKA Cuddle Chook or Demo Chicken as she came to be known at hen parties. I don't usually post here, but Rosie was a very special girl and she passed away today :(


She was a duff blue egger, laying pale beige eggs instead of blue, but she was the softest, friendliest chook I've ever had. When I did hen parties she would walk up to the attendees to be picked up and would then be passed around, tipped upside down and examined. I'm only surprised no one ever tried to smuggle her out in a goody bag.

Sleep tight sweet girlie, you will be sadly missed :(:(

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Ah bless 'em. Didn't see this topic until today.





Lucy was helped on her way on Wednesday :(


She'd managed through the winter, but started to lose weight, and kept having crop problems. Our fab vet saw her struggle to stand up (she'd been very slow and sleepy - but had stayed upright) , felt around her keel, and felt a tumour - and suggested PTS.


She was the smallest, but gave the BIGGEST eggs. She was also the one that came to sit on your lap, and never fussed when she 'braced for liftoff' when we picked her up.


Brambles : Don't worry, we thought about this too, but you've got to let them go when the vet suggests it - I keep convincing myself that to have done anything else would have been selfish on our part. Vets love animals, and PTS is the last thing they want to do. Well done you for making the hard decision ((( HUGS)))


Snowy : Sorry you lost one of yours - I remember her, and she was calm and fluffy :-) (((HUGS)))



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My beautiful original Omlet Gingernut Ranger, Scully had to be PTS yesterday. She'd fought to keep going for a while but, after failing to respond to antibiotics, my vet suspected a tumour and advised we let her go with dignity. She'd been my top chook ever since she and her friend Mulder arrived with my first eglu in March 2007. Sweet chicky dreams little one. You will always be in my heart. I miss you very much. :cry:



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This post is for my two girls, who have died. Deardre went missing, the day cheryl firstly got attacked. Then a month later the fox visited again, while i was on holiday and got Cheryl, and she passed away.. She was a lovely big girl and i will miss her alot, i didnt get to say good-bye. Deardree was a stunning lemon pekin, she was such a funny little character, previously laid for a week then went broody, and then laid a further egg, then got egg bound. people say foxes pick out the ill ones.. Bless her. :(

(Pictures in my signiture)


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Thyme, one of my adopted Black Rocks passed on to the Great Free Range Paddock overnight :cry:


She showed signs of having a softie due/just laid on Monday evening, but perked up again on Tuesday. Last evening I came home from work & she was snuggled down in the raspberry canes, obviously very poorly. I syringed Nutri-Drops and Avipro water into her, but knew in my heart it was futile as she didn't fight me in any way.


I left her in peace in the sick bay overnight & let Mother Nature make the choice........take her to a better place or leave her for me to take to the vet....she took her :cry:


RIP Thyme :cry:


Sha x

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I had to have Mother Hubbard - the only meat chicken we "kept" from last year pts on Monday.


She had a mucky bum on Sunday morning - so I started them all on a course of wormer as precaution - though they were only done a few weeks ago.


For whatever the reason - due to the hot weather, the flies have come in on her. When I picked her up for a cuddle and inspection on Monday, I could see she had a wound on her back just above her tail. IT was maggot infested and they were eating her alive. Maggots were eating all her rear end too.


A serious dose of fly strike - and too far gone to save her.


I know this is a really horrible subject, but I'd like to warn others to be especially viligant over these things given the warm weather. :cry:

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I had to help Pingu on his way yesterday :cry: He'd been quiet all day and yesterday afternoon I noticed him limping. Since discovering he was a boy he was only ever going to live as long as his feet allowed him to or he crowed, whichever came first. His feet were clearly bothering him yesterday so after a big cuddle Pingu left us. I don't regret the efforts made to straighten his feet, he had a very happy life here and he really enjoyed his time free ranging with the rest of the flock. He was very sweet, no trouble at all and is missed already.



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Poor Evie had to go to the vets today, or at least, I took the decision to have her put down :(

She tried really hard to get better and seemed to enjoy her pottering around with the other 2. She even ran after some food at one point, but over the last couple of days she really went down hill and I deciced the poor girlie had had enough.

It was so hard to come to a decision - I've never had to take an animal to be PTS before - they've always died in their sleep.

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We have so sadly had to say goodbye to our gorgeous Tulip today :( Yesterday I thought she wasn't right because she didn't come out of the Eglu in the morning and when I got home later she was lying in the run under the Glug. I managed to lift her out, her eyes were almost shut and her head was down. I tried to put her on her feet and she collapsed, poor thing. It was sooo upsetting because before this there hadn't seemed to be anything wrong with her. Thankfully we got her to the vet asap and he diagnosed egg peritonitis :( She was kept in overnight and given antibiotics and anti inflammatories. Then we got the worst news of all: she wasn't responding to the treatment and was really, really poorly. I had to make the heartbreaking decision to have her put to sleep, as she was suffering sooo much. It has all happened so fast that we are all in shock as well as heartbroken. Our other two girls seem to keep looking for her as they've been together for over 2 years! I'm now watching them closely, praying the same thing doesn't happen to them. RIP lovely Tulip xxx

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I've had to make the decision today to have Emerald put to sleep on Tuesday this coming week. She is dehydrated, has a swollen crop and cannot pass any poo. She has been ill for 2 months and I have spent well over £100 on her but she is failing to respond. The vet thinks she probably has an abcess or tumor in her liver. I have kept giving her antibiotics as they initally seemed to help but now she is just skin and bone and sits around looking very sorry for herself with a crop the size of a grapefruit. I think there is a blockage stopping everything going through. Her wattles and comb are still red but have shrunk and she is still drinking. Emerald was always the greedy one jumping up like a bouncing ball for food but not any more. She takes herself off to bed just after 6pm and thats not a good sign. Time to say goodbye I think. She's an ex-batt that I have had for 10 months and started getting ill 2 months ago so she had 8 months of a great life than she should have. I'd take her to the vets today if I could but it would cost me over £100 as its a bank hols weekend. Hate seeing her suffering but I just cant end her life myself-I'm too attached to her.

Emerald left us this afternoon of her own choice, she went into a deep sleep and passed away very quickly. At least she is not suffering any more.



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Well it's sad news that we had Krasi PTS tonight. The last of our originals :(


She's lived happily with sterile peritonitis since she had a little prolapse just after she started laying 2 years ago. She stopped laying a few months back, but was enjoying a happy retirement. In the last fortnight she start to want to rest more & this past week she's slowed down. She started drinking copious amounts of water a few days ago & not eating so much. Today she tripped getting out of the cube & didn't really want to drink or eat. Her comb has been shrinking since she stopped laying but this suddenly became very pale during the past few days & greying at the points.


Her vent was very drippy & we suspected she'd got an infection as well as her system starting to wind down. We decided on euthanasia as she would not have responded well to antibiotics given she already lived with one condition and also that her time was probably near too. The appointment happened to be with the vet who's taken an interest in all our chickens (also a chicken lover). He said we'd been wise and predicted well so that made it a bit easier. He let us stay with her while she passed away & we felt she had a good end.


Thank you Krasi for all you've given and been to us. RIP

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Lost one of my girls today, Charlotte. Went out to do their food and water and she was under the cube ramp. :cry: She was Emily's girl in as much as she named her. I haven't told Emily, I can't bear to do it as I know she will be very upset. :cry:

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Peanut our 3rd Batty was helped on her way to the Great Free Ranging Paddock last night :cry: , leaving us with just Lily from that adoption :anxious:


She had been slowing down over the past few weeks, but had still been keen for treats & eating & drinking. She took herself off to bed about 6pm every evening, bless her.


She had cottoned on to the fact that if she came to the back door on her own, she would get a small bowl of mealworms or another treat as she wasn't moving as quickly to the treat frenzy & was missing out more & more :( Sometimes she came indoors for a nap under DS's chair whilst he revised in the garden room :anxious:


Tim our lovely friend who also helped Hazel on her way, popped round last evening & took her with him :cry:


RIP my little one, you are much missed, but we know it was for the best :cry::cry:


Also RIP the two little Marans chicks who didn't make it out to the sunshine with the others. Sleep well my little ones :cry:


Sha x

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Well, just to keep you posted. I sat Emily down, and said as gently as I could that Charlotte had passed away and she thought about it for a milli-second and replied, 'well, we've got lots of others'....


Children are such odd creatures :wink:

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