docsquid Posted July 17, 2012 Share Posted July 17, 2012 RIP my lovely Blodwyn, my white flower. You were a wonderful chicken. We will miss your soprano warble as you recognised the Land Rover pulling up on the drive. We will miss you pogo-ing like mad when you spied the mealworm pot. We will miss you dancing like a slightly overweight ballerina, vaulting lightly over the obstacle course in the chicken run to be first to the food. We will miss you being such a great top chook - sleeping by the door, strutting your stuff in the garden, protecting your flock, cutting down on the argy-bargy between the other chooks. We will miss your beautiful feathers - the wonderful colours and iridescence that makes up the black in Blackrock. We will miss your sturdy presence at the back door. We will miss you a lot, and so will your sisters. Fly high, little one, and sleep well now. Your job was very well done. Blodwyn was my top chook, one of my original girls. She was PTS today, having suffered an obstruction in her gizzard which the vet could not clear Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fur 'n' Feathers Posted July 17, 2012 Share Posted July 17, 2012 docsquid said: RIP my lovely Blodwyn, my white flower. Blodwyn was my top chook, one of my original girls. She was PTS today, having suffered an obstruction in her gizzard which the vet could not clear So sorry to hear this. We had Aspro pts on 31 May . She was our top hen too! Get really attached to our lovely girls don't we. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fur 'n' Feathers Posted July 17, 2012 Share Posted July 17, 2012 So sad to be putting this on so late (RIP 31 May 2012): Bye bye Aspro. We had a particular soft spot for you with your "knowing look". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Heather_256715 Posted July 19, 2012 Share Posted July 19, 2012 Three wonderful silkies. All died in the space of three months and all were round thirty weeks of age. A partridge, blind, ditsy but sweet one, RIP Fudge. A black one with major attitude, RIP. A gold silkie that was so sweet and was going to be the parent of our gold silkie chicks... RIP Replacement. Have a good time in the giant coop in the sky... RIP xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SAB Posted July 30, 2012 Share Posted July 30, 2012 Bye Bye Bye Delilah - age 4 1/2 - White Splash Maran - went peacefully when at play. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
craftyhunnypie Posted July 31, 2012 Share Posted July 31, 2012 Bye bye Shisha our beautiful white leghorn. You laid us some whoppers in your time & will truly be missed.xxxx Emma.x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChickenWillow Posted August 27, 2012 Share Posted August 27, 2012 RIP Our lovely Daphid, who unfortunately we couldn't keep as he turned out to be a cockeral not a hen. Last night he lost his fight with a fox in defense of the six chicks his girls were raising We all miss you Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedusA Posted August 30, 2012 Share Posted August 30, 2012 RIP to our Araucana, Gabriela. Last of the Wuss Sisters. She'd always been a lazy girl who was always sitting down and never laid any eggs, but we loved her anyway. Recently she lost the use of her legs completely and the vet said she thought it was something neurological so she was pts last night. I always feel so guilty when this has to be done, but I think it was for the best and the vet agreed. Her quality of life was deteriorating and she could no longer feed herself, dustbathe or do proper chickeny things. Sweet chooky dreams, Gabby. I'm sure you are glad to see your sister again in chook heaven. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burtie14 Posted September 5, 2012 Share Posted September 5, 2012 Dusty Dusty the Blue Belle joined our family along with Betty, Ginger and Jim on 28 May 2010. Her name came not only from her colour, but also her great love of dustbathing. Within moments of her arrival, she had settled comfortably to the floor and was liberally showering herself with whatever was nearby – a lovely sight that would become extremely familiar to us over the years. A very elegant and graceful hen with dark, soulful eyes, Dusty was nonetheless difficult to admire at very close quarters, as she was never fully comfortable being picked up. On the rare occasions that she consented, she would usually end the embrace swiftly with a great beat of her mighty wing, which caused almost as much injury as the reproachful glare that inevitably followed. A gentle giant, Dusty towered over our other hens, giving her a distinct advantage when it came to devouring hanging sweetcorn – her favourite treat. Her long legs also gave her the speed to keep most unfortunate earthworms to herself, though she never quite mastered the art of catching flies; something she often attempted but rarely succeeded. Despite her height, she was by no means the dominant member of the family. She had a nervous disposition, and was frequently startled by such terrors as a passing wood pigeon, a sudden gust of wind, or an unexpected leaf. Dusty’s size brought other advantages. Her powerful legs were employed to great effect to demolish any recently-planted flowers. When we had building work at the house we considered using Dusty as a means of saving money on hiring a digger; we were sure she would have made short work of the footings. Her digging wasn’t confined to her massive feet; she also used her big beak to liberally shovel porridge all over the floor, which she would then trample on to create optimum mess. When faced with a decision, she would usually pause briefly, before responding with a deep, throaty growl. This growl was her chief form of communication, and could be taken to mean "No, I'm not moving thank you", "Do you expect me to eat that?", and "What now? Can't you see I'm busy?". The growl was also her stock response to any question; we usually felt it meant she was sceptical about the suggestion we’d made, and had a far better idea, but was going to keep it to herself. The growl occasionally became a purr, usually when dustbathing on a sunny day, and seemed to express genuine chicken contentment. A mild-tempered bird, Dusty avoided confrontation despite her size advantage. The only exception to this was when Jim, ever clumsy, persisted in dustbathing on top of Dusty, despite her warning growls and glowering looks. Eventually Dusty lashed out at Jim, not only pecking him in the head but grabbing and shaking his comb in her beak. Poor Jim was momentarily confused and upset, but the altercation was swiftly forgotten and the two were once again friends. However, her best friend amongst the group was always Ginger, and while Betty’s ceaseless energy would see her leading Jim astray in search of misadventure, Dusty and Ginger would be content exploring peacefully together. She was a circumspect chicken, unlikely to attempt an escapade, and more commonly found hesitantly observing mischief than joining in or instigating it herself. Dusty was invariably first to bed every evening; she would strut elegantly up the stairs to find the most comfortable spot in the nestbox. Once comfortably settled, and confident that she had avoided detection, she would call gently but insistently for her friends, until they eventually gave in to her entreaties and nestled together for the night. Dusty passed away on 5 September 2012 after a short illness. Although we will miss her greatly, we are happy for the joy and amusement she brought us, and we know somewhere she is dustbathing to her heart’s content, stretching her long elegant legs, and hopefully catching some flies at last. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chocolatedog Posted September 8, 2012 Share Posted September 8, 2012 RIP Pepper II - had to have her PTS this morning at the vets..... She'd been on treatment for suspected parasitic problem (sulphur yellow runny poos) but hadn't really picked up at all, and in fact became weaker and more depressed and lethargic, and although she ate warm mashed pellets last night she refused to eat this morning. I decided that prolonging treatment and trying to keep her going over the weekend to see if she would recover would be futile and hopefully did the kindest thing. The vet was super - he thought she might have kidney problems too, but wanted to do an autopsy and tests just to check if it was anything that might threaten the health of the other 3 girls. So now Ginger has outlived both of the 2nd generation girls! She was a feisty wee girl, but a character - didn't like to be handled, or caught (so I knew she wasn't well by the fact I caught her easily and she seemed to enjoy being stroked!!!) She also paced up and down the internal run whenever she saw me coming to let them out in the outer run......... Beautiful markings, and super eggs. Sadly missed. X Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cluckingmad Posted October 4, 2012 Share Posted October 4, 2012 My beautiful little sultan girl Suzy passed away peacefully yesterday evening... was the friendliest little hen I've ever known, loved having cuddles, loved sitting on your lap and despite being at the bottom of the pecking order was always first out in the morning (although she usually got trampled by the rest of the flock as they stampeded out of the run!). Going to miss my little lady, sleep well xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ariella26 Posted October 11, 2012 Share Posted October 11, 2012 My beautiful Isabella passed away yesterday. I found her in the nest box at tea time. My daughter had commented she wasn't interested in the corn that afternoon but otherwise showed no signs of illness. She was the bottom of the pecking order but hadn't been attacked. She was a beautiful Maran hybrid, providing us with large and beautifully speckled eggs. It was a shock for her to pass away so quickly - just nine months old - and we'll all miss her dreadfully. Sleep tight beautiful Isabella. x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cluckingmad Posted October 11, 2012 Share Posted October 11, 2012 My gorgeous little Peanut sadly passed away last week - no idea why, we found her on the floor on the WIR under the perches one morning. She was a sweet little hen, we'd only had her for a few months but will be sadly missed x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chickenlicken72 Posted October 12, 2012 Share Posted October 12, 2012 RIP Little Tallulah... hench hen until the very end - but still first in the queue for a cuddle and a snooze on my lap. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Potts Posted October 14, 2012 Share Posted October 14, 2012 Goodbye, Alys. Re-homed as an ex-barn hen in March, we managed to get you proper lovely set of peach coloured feathers by the end of September before you went suddenly today. Glad you were in a patch of sunshine and glad it was quick for you. Mrs Potts Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MedusA Posted October 23, 2012 Share Posted October 23, 2012 Sadly lost my darling Muggle, my favourite hen for 4 and a half years. She had so many ups and downs in her life. A couple of years ago she nearly died and went to hospital. On another occasion she developed an impacted crop which led to sour crop then a permanently pendulous crop and had several bouts of illness needing antibiotics. Nevertheless she was always a happy hen, muggling around with her friend Squib. she was always the one children wanted to cuddle at all our allotment fairs. She had what I think were several mini strokes over the last couple of weeks and on Sunday I found her dead in the run, following what I suppose was a massive stroke. I miss her dreadfully. She made such a distinctive noise when I went out to the girls and even featured in her own comic (made by DD). Rest in peace my sweetheart. You are irreplaceable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coco Posted November 5, 2012 Share Posted November 5, 2012 RIP little Bianca my little white silkie. You were the noisiest little thing when I picked you up and would scream blue murder. Sorry I didn't spot you were so ill sooner. RIP little one. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
petunia Posted November 17, 2012 Share Posted November 17, 2012 My gorgeous girl Mabel died yesterday morning after several months of just not being quite right. I tried all I could to get her through it and am so upset that I didn't manage it. I only got my chooks in April so it's been a whirlwind love affair, but she'll never be forgotten Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jackian Posted November 18, 2012 Share Posted November 18, 2012 I am so sorry We lost one of our girls only a few months of chicken keeping and it taught me a lot for the future. Out of mine I will always remember her fondly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bucklamp Posted November 27, 2012 Share Posted November 27, 2012 Goodbye dear Pippi, our Burford Brown. Passed away overnight, 25th November, aged 8 months. You were always a pretty girl with your red head and white toe nails that you seemed so proud of. You had been off your food for a week or so and we have now found out that you had a heart infection. So sorry that we couldn't make you better RIP Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jennifer Jane Posted December 12, 2012 Share Posted December 12, 2012 We sadly lost our ex-batt Boop overnight. She was originally rescued by my niece last year but, due to circumstances, we took her in at the beginning of May. I noticed that she wasn't quite right on Friday and took her to the vet. She was still eating and drinking but she deteriorated rapidly yesterday so we weren't surprised that she had gone to the great nest box in the sky this morning. She could be a grumpy madam, but we will miss her. Bye bye Boop xxx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sageandonion Posted December 12, 2012 Share Posted December 12, 2012 RIP Peckers - found dead today. She was Peckers by name and Peckers by nature but she was a beautiful girl and we loved her. She was the first to lay an egg for us and we still have the shell. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chickencam Posted December 17, 2012 Share Posted December 17, 2012 R.I.P. Mother, she was top chook in our original Omlet group and was the last one from May 2007, she was 6 years old. She was quite ill back in September/October time but perked up and was fine until a couple of days ago, I found her in the run this morning , it looked like she had got up and then keeled over It is a shame because she was looking good, having had a small moult about 6 weeks ago, as her head feathers grew back they looked like she had grey hair, but they grew through looking lovely. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Groovychook Posted December 24, 2012 Share Posted December 24, 2012 My lovely soft Silkie, Rita has died She had been unwell for a few days and was halfway through a course of antibiotics. I found her in the nestbox this morning with her Silkie friend cuddled up next to her. I'll really miss her, she was such a sweet, friendly little thing. At least we had a cuddle yesterday whilst she scoffed mealworms. R.I.P. Rita xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Groovychook Posted January 2, 2013 Share Posted January 2, 2013 More sad news today. Had to have my remaining Silkie, Mrs Bishop PTS She was Rita's best friend and started to go downhill soon after Rita died. She didn't respond to antibiotics and thought it was best to put her out of her misery today. Such a sad few days. R.I.P Mrs. Bishop Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...