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  On 1/3/2021 at 10:12 PM, Patricia W said:

Soapy,  one of the primary schools in the market town near you that my daughter lives in, is closed because of Covid. Zoe is not happy about sending her three back as their primary is only a mile away.  Plus one of the supermarkets has a cluster.  So I think either closing the schools or a national lockdown looms.  


Apparently the secondary school in the same town has been very badly hit too....but it is huge and covers 2 sites, one at either end of the town. Several other village primaries locally have suddenly scheduled inset days today and there is talk on the wireless about keeping all schools shut until half term!!! Certainly it would seem to be sensible to close all schools until the end of January.

DM.......I would be very inclined to report those who you know are blatantly flouting the rules...it's people like them who are helping to spread the virus and so undermine everyone elses sacrifices.


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I have two teenagers - years 10 and 11 - my daughter is so stressed with the thought of GCSE and the unknown - my son is so social and so down at not seeing people - he is so angry  at times - I am so glad for phones and internet games at least he is talking to someone  - they are both scared about bringing the virus home to us. My daughter wasn't that concerned until before Christmas when 30 children from her year all went down the virus in a 2 week period, my son has always been fearful and then one of his teachers ended up in intensive care and over Christmas a caretaker from a local school died after catching the virus at school he was under 40 and no under lying conditions. I think its time to cancel exams and shut down - shame we can't all hibernate and wake up in Spring

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  On 1/4/2021 at 11:42 AM, HarrisonFamily said:

I have two teenagers - years 10 and 11 - my daughter is so stressed with the thought of GCSE and the unknown - my son is so social and so down at not seeing people - he is so angry  at times - I am so glad for phones and internet games at least he is talking to someone  - they are both scared about bringing the virus home to us. My daughter wasn't that concerned until before Christmas when 30 children from her year all went down the virus in a 2 week period, my son has always been fearful and then one of his teachers ended up in intensive care and over Christmas a caretaker from a local school died after catching the virus at school he was under 40 and no under lying conditions. I think its time to cancel exams and shut down - shame we can't all hibernate and wake up in Spring


Totally agree; my boys are 16 and 12 (13 in Feb) and this whole thing about soldiering on with actual GCSE exams is getting ridiculous - our yr 11 have done mocks so had some sort of exam experience. Also they are cutting the curriculum and allowing them certain formule to take into the GCSE exams and some other aids so, tbh, what's the point?????? Cancelling would take away so much stress and also give teachers a clear idea of what is going on so that they can plan assesments etc. 


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This international angle on the news is very interesting.  My neighbours here in the middle of nowhere have always had a good idea about what is going on in the UK, its news is routinely covered by mainstream news media, mostly from their own news teams.  For example, I discovered a lot more about the hard facts of the lorry park at Dover from an indepth piece with a driver from Portugal than I had from BBC or Sky.  I had no idea about the paralysis, but then again 4 cases out of a much bigger number of trials isn't many at all, and maybe as you say, it was a short term effect so perhaps it wasn't considered worth alarming people.  In Portugal they are vaccinating medical staff and care homes first.  However, a 41 year old nurse with no underlying conditions (and she didn't drink) was innoculated on 30th Dec and died on 1st Jan.  Nobody knows why and they are going to do an autopsy.  It may be nothing to do with the jab, especially as getting on for 1 million worldwide (I think) have had the vaccine mostly without serious side effects (again, as far as I'm aware, but I don't keep up with all of it).


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  On 1/4/2021 at 3:58 PM, Daphne said:

This international angle on the news is very interesting.  My neighbours here in the middle of nowhere have always had a good idea about what is going on in the UK, its news is routinely covered by mainstream news media, mostly from their own news teams.  For example, I discovered a lot more about the hard facts of the lorry park at Dover from an indepth piece with a driver from Portugal than I had from BBC or Sky.  I had no idea about the paralysis, but then again 4 cases out of a much bigger number of trials isn't many at all, and maybe as you say, it was a short term effect so perhaps it wasn't considered worth alarming people.  In Portugal they are vaccinating medical staff and care homes first.  However, a 41 year old nurse with no underlying conditions (and she didn't drink) was innoculated on 30th Dec and died on 1st Jan.  Nobody knows why and they are going to do an autopsy.  It may be nothing to do with the jab, especially as getting on for 1 million worldwide (I think) have had the vaccine mostly without serious side effects (again, as far as I'm aware, but I don't keep up with all of it).



Indeed interesting international angle! But I agree about those 4 paralysis cases. 4 on 44.000 sounds like statistically expected to find facial paralysis. Although I don’t know the numbers. But if you take 10.000 you probably are quite likely to find one to develop just about anything. Vaccine or no vaccine.

  On 1/4/2021 at 5:13 PM, soapdragon said:

Well, we are due an address from Boris at 8pm.....wonder what that's about then 🙄? Hopefully a firmer lockdown;  Scotland is now back into lockdown with schools closed.


I’m curious too. Germany is most likely going to extend too till 31st of Jan. And they have hardly any cases compared to the UK and the Netherlands.

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  On 1/4/2021 at 10:24 AM, Beantree said:

The Pfizer facial paralysis news came with some rather alarming photographs similar to the 'stroke' advert, but they neglected to say how long the paralysis lasted. They did add that only 4 people of the 44,000 trialed experienced it. I doubt the UK press were allowed to publicise this; it's only from moving here that I realised how much censorship takes place. As an example, we knew that Boris Johnson had won the leadership race at 6.00am your time, but you had to wait until 11.00am. We get regular updates on the Covid situation in the UK and the front page news this morning was all about the new strain affecting youngsters. That strain came back with the Bayonne Rugby Club after they played Leicester on the 19th December and I hope they have contained it. Do people realise that the UK is the worst affected country in Europe (momentarily overtaken by Italy I think)?


I find the fact our news in the UK is censored really scary - I hadn't really thought about it before and like many just accepted the BBC as news ...

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Found this infographic in the newspaper of today.


They also reported the biggest drop in cases in the Netherlands for teens. And they keep telling us they don’t play a big role in spreading covid... but somehow, keeping them home for a month suddenly does make a difference.

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This is 100% what I was expecting. Although I admit I am angry about this one in particular, because I feel if they had just dragged out the first one a little longer - as maddening as it was - we might not have need the tiers and the constant confusion in the middle.

My main hope now is that, because I am considered a key worker, I will be given the vaccine within the next month. Although if that happens, I will raise both my eyebrows!

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And there is STILL no definitive news on GCSE and A levels! Just some woolly drivel about how some exams not taking place and working to find an alternative - no clarity at all and yet more stress for these poor teens (not to mention the poor parents who have to deal with them!!!)! Two very grumpy lads here this morning preparing to log on for a day in front of the computer.

IMHO this lockdown should have come into force on Boxing Day. On the bright side my mum called last night to say that she and dad have been called for their vaccine. They are both 87, mum is a registered carer for dad who has dementia and she also has an underlying health condition. Sadly though, they will have to travel to the surgery administering the jabs by taxi as it's not their local one. Roll on Spring!

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My poor daughter was so stressed last night - trying to work out if her GCSE are cancelled as she had her last day at that school and not even realised - some 6th forms have offered places out some haven't started the application process and of course you can't visit any - just online tours - no wonder she just wants to retire !! - My son hasn't left his room and I can't do anything to help - Right thing to do but more answers about exams would be appreciated very soon.


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I don't know why Boris couldn't have said sooner about what he was going to do.

I spent the whole 2 weeks of Christmas only seeing the family that live in my house, so I was nice and 'clean' until yesterday, then I spent yesterday morning working with the 32 children in my class and 2 other adults. And who knows who they may have seen over Christmas. Just makes me so cross. And for just one day .......

I have been in school again today, along with all the other adults sorting things out ready for all the children that need to come in tomorrow onwards.

I would like to point out to Amanda Platell (Daily Mail) and anyone else that thinks like her, that teachers are NOT on holiday until after February half term. 

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  On 1/5/2021 at 9:11 AM, HarrisonFamily said:

My poor daughter was so stressed last night - trying to work out if her GCSE are cancelled as she had her last day at that school and not even realised - some 6th forms have offered places out some haven't started the application process and of course you can't visit any - just online tours - no wonder she just wants to retire !! - My son hasn't left his room and I can't do anything to help - Right thing to do but more answers about exams would be appreciated very soon.



Really feel for your daughter; it really was extremely woolly. However, it now appears that GCSE and A levels ARE cancelled.....but they don't seem to have worked out how to award grades - mocks combined with assessment? Doh!  I comfort myself, though, with the thought that there is a much longer run in to prepare, assess and plan. Luckily ES applied for 6th form at the beginning of December, had his telephone interview and, subsequently, his offer based on grade 4 for maths (which he really should manage!) But he is sad not to have had the chance to go and visit although they were very good about online tours, Q and A sessions etc. ES skipped PE this afternoon and went for a walk - I could see the logic but still had to e mail the PE teacher as he'd missed registration 🙄

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  On 1/5/2021 at 5:34 PM, Luvachicken said:

I would like to point out to Amanda Platell (Daily Mail) and anyone else that thinks like her, that teachers are NOT on holiday until after February half term. 


The Mail didn’t honestly say that?! I was thinking about teachers today (I used to be one - secondary science) - are they supposed to be teaching key worker / vulnerable children in the classroom alongside doing online classes for everyone else? How’s that going to work? Sounds like they’ll need to clone themselves.

On a completely different note, have just found out that fishing isn’t going to be allowed this time. I know this doesn’t sound important but to my OH who is dangerously close to depression struggling with rheumatoid arthritis and serious IBS it is NOT good 😣

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  On 1/5/2021 at 5:34 PM, Luvachicken said:

I would like to point out to Amanda Platell (Daily Mail) and anyone else that thinks like her, that teachers are NOT on holiday until after February half term. 



  On 1/5/2021 at 8:27 PM, mullethunter said:

The Mail didn’t honestly say that?! I was thinking about teachers today (I used to be one - secondary science) - are they supposed to be teaching key worker / vulnerable children in the classroom alongside doing online classes for everyone else? How’s that going to work? Sounds like they’ll need to clone themselves.


In the first Lockdown Amanda Platell said how pleased she was that the army were going to get a pay rise for all their hard work throughout the virus but that the teachers, who were also going to get a pay rise, didn't deserve theirs because they hadn't worked when the schools were shut.

I wrote to her and pointed out that the teachers were working harder than they do at school and were not at home having fun. Of course, I never got a reply.

At my school, all of the LSA's and 1to1's are going to work in year group bubbles with the keyworker/vulnerable children in school with the head, deputy and asst deputy in school whilst the teachers will be at home doing the online classes. School are very busy trying to sort out a rota. There are a lot more children coming this time than there were last time.

  On 1/5/2021 at 8:27 PM, mullethunter said:

On a completely different note, have just found out that fishing isn’t going to be allowed this time. I know this doesn’t sound important but to my OH who is dangerously close to depression struggling with rheumatoid arthritis and serious IBS it is NOT good 😣


Please wish your hubby well. Fishing sounds so relaxing so it is very sad your hubby can't do it. 

Is there something else that he might like to do ?

I actually did some colouring in the summer, that was quite nice to do. 

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I can't understand the ban on fishing either, unless they have evidence of infections from last time. Perhaps the problem is buying bait? Can your GP give him a medical exemption note?

The EU health is considering approving the Moderna vaccine today. Apparently not as effective for the over 65 group as Pfizer, so 86% compared to 95%. Seems they have done a real turn around with the vaccine process here as a result of all the embarrassing publicity. Gone is he notion at this stage that GP's can distribute it as they now realise they can't store it. So we get 600 special centres by the end of the month, just like everyone else. You will have to book an appointment and drive to the nearest centre. The Moderna vaccine will be used at a much later stage because the GP's can store it, so we'll be in line around April. If it isn't approved (France has already ordered 7 million doses), it may be the Astra Zenica/ Oxford one? They are also talking about delaying the second dose, just like the UK, but Pfizer have said clearly the can't guarantee the results because only the 21 day spacing between first and second was trialled.

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IMO all school staff should be vaccinated from the head mistress to kitchen staff. My friend works in NHS hospital canteen - shes on the mend at last but tiredand still has diarrhoea. Sadly her mum of 94 got it but less vicuous.

I got my jab at 8.30 on 31st Dec. Achey arm and tired for 10 hours after but so pleased to have had it. My husband wont get it for months. I have told him no shopping - i will do as will eventually get some cover. I woudve gone at 3am in the morning was so keen to get. Hope you get yours too Andy.


My aunt is East Midalnds still hasnt heard anything. Why are they so slow? 

I get really stressed about her as so far away and her cousin has it now. She was really low on Monday and thats not like her shes a stoic old bird. Not like her wimpy niece. 


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