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Guest chookiehen

I've been foxed....

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So sorry to hear about your girls. Its a risk we take. My girls freerange all day, if I only let them freerange when I was in the garden they would never free range. I sat and thought for a bit after reading your post but I know its a risk I have to take. As hard as it sounds a short happy life is better than a long miserable one.




That is very well put.


So sorry to hear your news, Shona. but don't blame yourself. It might just as easily have happened when you were in the house - foxes don't waste any time. It happens. I hope Josie recovers, and that you'll be getting her some new companions.

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Thankyou very much for all your kind words. Josie has made it through the night, but I've nursed enough sick chickens to know that she doesn't have much hope. She's refusing food and drink, and is just sitting in a box, hunchedd and unhappy. I kept her in overnight, and left the eglu open, just in case either of the other two were hiding, but neither have re-appeared overnight. I'm uncertain now wether to leave her be, or to take her to the vets. I doubt that there is much a vet can do for a chicken in shock, and the stress of the half hour car journey would finish her off, I think. I'll phone the vet at 9am to see what they advise.


Am still feel ridiculously teary about everything. :cry::cry::cry:

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Shona I've only just caught up with this how distressing for you and Josie, I hope she pulls through, will she not even take a bit of sweetened water, it was the only thing I could interest one of ours in and it picked her up. We've all taken risks it's part of life but I'm just so sorry it had to happen to you.

lots of love and best wishes


Mrs Bertie

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Shona, i have just caught up with this! :shock:


I am so so sorry to hear you have been foxed - how terrible :(


I do hope Josie pulls through and i would give her some Rescue Remedy as Christian suggests, i think it works wonders.


Big hugs to you and yours and lots of love for Josie too.


Do let us know how she is getting along.

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