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Christian is Smiling!! *they are here*!!!!!

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Hello All.


Some of you may remember the post 'OH says NO!!!!!'?


Basically my OH was quite upset last time Babs (RIP) was really ill and said under no circumstances could I get more chickens. I was outraged and upset that he tried to dictate what I could/couldn't do. However we are are a couple and therefore, I could, albeit begrudgingly, accept his 'decision', based on the fact that i have to compromise sometimes :wink:


After the appauling day yesterday, Babs going to 'hen heaven' and a general low feeling, OH announced that I should GET MORE CHICKENS.



He suggested 2 new hens, but after some sweet talking and a promise not to get him anything more for Christmas, i have reserved an orange eglu :wink:


I am now on the look out for 3 new chickens (I am so sneaky - 2 chickens, to an eglu and 3 chickens :lol::lol::lol: )


Now, I like the look of the light sussex, so that is a definate, but what about the other two? Sorry to turn this into a 'what breed do i go for?' thread.


I also like the barnevelder and the maran, but are they too big for the eglu??


The only condition is they have to be pure breeds. Long story and won't bore you all with it, but basically they have less health problems - apparently :roll:

I would love a couple of Orpingtons, but talking to a breeder, he suggests no more than 2 in an eglu and i really wanted 3.


Any help would be appreciated.



P.s The plan is, once they are all friends they might move into one eglu and then i can get some more :shh::shh::shh::anxious::shh:

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:clap: on the new chickens, but big :cry: about Babs - so sorry to hear that, I know from your posts on here how hard you tried to keep her going.


No idea about breeds, just wanted to congratulate you - all those people who said 'wear him down slowly, he'll give in' or words to that effect were right!

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That is great news! The orange looks fab. We have got the orange Rablu and it looks brilliant.


What about bantam orps - not sure what size they get to.

Would they mix OK with the others? Do you detect a note of personal interest here also? :lol:


I agree light sussexes are lovely we're going for one of those too.

Hubby wants a leghorn so he can call it Foghorn :roll: !


I'm so excited new chicks - can't wait to see the picies!

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Sorry to hear about Babs. It is such a shame you have lost her but how lovely of your OH to be so sympathetic.

P.s The plan is, once they are all friends they might move into one eglu and then i can get some more :shh::shh::shh::anxious::shh:

Ooh you're a devious wee divil!

OH = :angel:

Christian= :twisted:



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my DH was reticent about getting 2 but the BHWT had a rehoming policy of a minimum of 3, I managed to sweet talk him into a nice even 4 despite his reservations- after we'd had them a cple of weeks, he asked me if I wanted some more! Doesn't take long for the girls to work their magic does it ;)


it's understandable that if he was really attached to Babs that he wouldn't want to immediately replace her, you need time to grieve when something you love passes away.

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Yeah my Miniture Orpington is my fav in terms of apperances, seems to get on with all the others fine, docile and not jumpy either, ment to be an ideal garden type chicken, plus being like a bantam you could stick 4 in there :D


Depends if egg rpoduction/size is important to you.

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What a good choice Christian - an orange second eglu!


I did that over the summer :D and I can promise you that getting new hens is just as exciting as getting your first, maybe even more! :D


We can be in a very select club now! People who own a blue and an orange eglu (in that order too!) The Blue and Orange look great together.

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it's understandable that if he was really attached to Babs that he wouldn't want to immediately replace her, you need time to grieve when something you love passes away.


I don't agree, Poet. You don't know just how attached Christian was to Babs. Look through the posts on this forum to see how many heartbroken owners have gone to buy a new hen straight after losing one to help get them through their grief. Everyone responds differently to losing a pet. I've always replaced them straight away when I've lost much loved rabbits and guinea pigs because it helps to have something else to give my attention to when I'm so very sad.

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it's understandable that if he was really attached to Babs that he wouldn't want to immediately replace her, you need time to grieve when something you love passes away.


I don't agree, Poet. You don't know just how attached Christian was to Babs. Look through the posts on this forum to see how many heartbroken owners have gone to buy a new hen straight after losing one to help get them through their grief. Everyone responds differently to losing a pet. I've always replaced them straight away when I've lost much loved rabbits and guinea pigs because it helps to have something else to give my attention to when I'm so very sad.


When I lost my first budgie everyone said I should get another straight away but I just couldn't do it. It really was like losing a friend when I lost my Billy. Mind you, I was so upset I made myself ill and ended up in hospital so maybe I should have listened but I just couldn't do it at the time.


I was just trying to offer some words of comfort anyway, that's all.

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Just seen this and for the record, he wanted to get replacements as soon as possible. I had given up asking for more chickens long ago! :roll: (well not really, have been chipping away, making digs for months now :wink: )


We will never replace Babs, she was unique. She will be missed. She was the first chicken i had ever held. :cry::cry:

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Sorry to hear about Babs :(

My Silver-laced Wyandotte looks very pretty in the garden and I get loads of comments about her.....and my favourites (although I love them all the same :roll: ) are the 2 Wheaten Marans - dainty, with lovely colours and lightly feathered legs. These would be my recommendations :D

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Wonderful news,Christian :P


As I am pants at Geography,I have no idea if you are anywhere near to Beaulieu or not, but if you are there is a place there that has heaps of hens,including Marans & Legbars.

I spoke with them yesterday & they seemed really very knowledgable & nice.


We might be taking a drive there this weekend...........


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