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We've been burgled :twisted:


It happened overnight Sunday/Monday morning :cry:


Fortunately they didn't get into our house, only gained access to our garage but that in turn is partially converted into an office and that is where things were stolen from. They got 4 laptops, an ipod, laptop bag, 95 euros, a maglite torch, an led tripod torch, but worst of all is they have taken the keys to 2 of OHs motorbikes :evil:


The Police were very sympathetic but apparently we were just 1 of 4 burglaries in our area that same night and they weren't very positive about catching anyone. We are very worried that the thieves will come back for the bikes and the Police seem to think its a real possibility as they took the keys, but we don't really understand why they did :?


Not slept much the last couple of nights - keep listening out for noises :roll: but OH has set up some cameras to hopefully catch them in the act if they do come back and he's put in some extra movement sensors which will trigger an alarm if they do try to get in again. Fortunately although they got some bike keys, he had the spare and has managed to get the code changed, so that they key they took won't work now anyway and the other key was for a bike that would need to be rebuilt before it could be stolen :wink: OH and ES have 8 bikes between them and they are all now chained up in the back garden (under the watchful eyes of the chickens :lol: ) rather than on the driveway and luckily all the other keys were indoors.


Really though this has shaken us up and we just didn't need it. Like a lot of others we've not had a great time this last year what with redundancy, bereavements etc, so thank you once again for giving me someone to 'talk' to :(


Lisa P

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How worrying for you, no wonder you haven't been getting much sleep. The trouble is nowadays the police always say there isn't much chance of getting your stuff back but I have heard of people being contacted quite some time afterwards about things that have been recovered.


I hope you manage to relax, my mum was burgaled once and it took her a while before she felt comfortable at home (thankfully she wasn't in at the time).

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it is a horrible feeling that someone has been into your home, our utility was broken into a few years ago whilst we were in bed, luckily I had locked the kitchen door so they couldn't getinto the main house, but the police said the same thing, we were one of several break ins that night, on a more positive note OH got a whole new skying kit out of it

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So sorry to hear the news Lisa.....I do know how much it shakes you up, we were broken into and they took our safe with all the spare keys in then came back and took the cars off the drive.


You do get over it with time and I am sure the extra security measures will put them off, our insurance company advised us to get gates fitted at the front of the house and keep them closed..


Thinking of you. x

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How horrible for you.


They will be back for he bikes so do be careful.


There has been a lot of this stealing keys business in our area., and they have tended to come back a few weeks later when the things get back to normal and make off with cars, usually.


Happened to the parents of a friend of YS.

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Sorry to hear that, it's a horrible experience - been there myself.


You do get over it though, and it made me realise that while it's annoying to have to replace things, it's just stuff. The things that would really matter to me are things a burglar would never steal - electrical goods can always be replaced. I hope your insurers are quick to sort out the claim.


My neighbours were burgled last Friday, and the SOCO who came round to take fingerprints said it was the 7th one she'd done that day. It has spurred me on to get a new front door, something I've been putting off for ages.

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Horrible thing to happen to you.

Take care over the next few weeks. It does sound like you have taken precautions so you may be better protected in future. I don't like to say it as you are already upset, but unfortunately some burglars do time a second attempt to coincide with you having replaced all the stolen goods. Sickening.

Do you have any of yours items marked with a UV pen? The police used to run a scheme encouraging people to do this - more chance of getting things back if they can identify the owner easily. Not sure if they still do this?

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You can buy the UV pens in places like B and Q and put your door no and postcode on your belongings.


Next door had their front door kicked in at about 9pm the other night :shock: , OH and I saw them so we've both been to I.D parades in the last week (and picked both culprits out! :dance: ) so hopefully the judge will do his/her job and sentence them properly. The two that did it live round the corner and over the road, nothing like doing things on your own doorstep is there?! Either that or they're just plain thick.........


Make sure you double lock your doors overnight and when you go out girls and boys, this is the time of year that burglaries shoot up, all those Crimbo presents make easy pickings for thieves so they end up stealing even more than they would any other time of the year - the toads. :evil:



Or get a BIG dog!!





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