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Awful fortnight - lost 3 girls -now 6

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I was only saying to hubby a few weeks ago how well most of the girls were getting over their moults and how healthy they were looking. Two weeks on we have lost 3 of the hybrids that we rescued as 4 week old chicks from the lorry crash in Essex 21 months ago. One was healthy enough but had a prolapse so I put my Sheffield training to good use and did the kind thing and then cried for hours. The other two went within ten days of each other. They were the same type as my Copper black maran and they too developed purple combs and just died. Vet said the same thing as she did before...it's just a sign of getting old and not enough oxygen getting through their systems. She said that some breeds are obviously more prone to this than others. There was no sign of illness or lice, etc. I knew that they were soon to depart but today we lost Nutmeg who we always called 'Friendly Chicken' I am finding it particularly difficult. She was the one who leapt into my knee each night when I took my cuppa in despite the fact that she could hardly see me recently due to the dark nights. I will miss her very much.

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