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Dogmother/Rosie's accident

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Good to hear she is on the mend :D

Take some photos of the bruising, will be handy evidence to use in court (if it goes to court).


Thanks Fred, I don't think there will be any conviction though. The police have been less than transparent but have told me that it is going no further, Rosie remembers very little of the accident, so that's not much help either. The woman had a small child in the car with her, so it's possible that she was distracted. The place (crossing) where Rosie crossed has two straight ahead lanes and a filter lane, Rosie is adamant that the green man was showing when she crossed, but it is possible that the lights changed as she crossed and the filter lane started to flow and the woman just didn't see her.


I understand that one witness said that Rosie was 'dancing about in the traffic' which wasn't corroborated by anyone else and would be out of character for her as she's very careful around traffic.


It could have been worse, she's still alive and should suffer no permanent injury. I have copies of her xrays, scans. bruises and a photo of the lacerations to her ear. We were due to be away in Norfolk with my folks, visiting old friends, but have had to cancel. The doctor said that there's no way she could travel (even if we'd wanted to) so my Dad is claiming on his travel insurance for that booking.

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Oh no, I was away last week, so am only just catching up with this. I can't believe what I'm reading - poor Rosie and poor DM. Hope you are both managing to take care of yourselves and your boss/es are being understanding, DM? Take care and give Rosie a (gentle) hug from Willow and me!!

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Just a final update; Rosie had the stitches out of her ear yesterday (she wouldn't let me do it :roll: ) and it has healed nicely, apart from the bruising there's hardly a scar. Her right knee is still bothering her, not bruised but sore. Xrays were done and no bone damage but a partially torn ligament, so at least we have a reason for that one.


I have gradually reduced her pain meds and she's off the codeine completely now, just a couple of paracetamol or ibuprofen now. A little pain isn't a bad thing IMO as it's self-limiting and will make her more careful. :wink:


Just the physio to get sorted now.

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That's great news Clare. Rosie sounds like she is doing really well. I agree with you about the pain meds - no pain means it's all too tempting to overdo things, a little discomfort means you have to take things a bit easier. Glad to hear the ear has healed well. I don't know how big an injury it was, but even the smallest of scars can make young girls self conscious. I remember falling over as a teen and taking a huge chunk out of my knee. The scar is still noticeable but no where near as bad as I imagined it was as a teen - it was years before I felt brave enough to get my knees out in public.

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indeedee I agree with limiting the pain relief. I've the same to myself following my car accident. I only take pain relief on bad days or when I'm off to see the physio. :? Which reminds me...off to see her now so time to pop some pills :lol::lol::lol::lol:


So glad that Rosie doesn't have anything serious now (not that it wasn't serious at the time) but it's all healing nicely..


Well done Clare. It was your TLC that made the difference :clap::clap:



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I remember falling over as a teen and taking a huge chunk out of my knee. The scar is still noticeable but no where near as bad as I imagined it was as a teen - it was years before I felt brave enough to get my knees out in public.



:roll: my daughter wears her scars like badges of honour :notalk: she has some pretty bad ones on her knees where she skinned them thoroughly when she went 'gravel diving' whilst running in the rain. There will come a time when she wishes she'd taken more care of them, but you can't tell a teenager what's good for them :roll: .

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