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**Thread of little facts & things**....3

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Spent the afternoon in ENT clinic and was told hearing no worse than 4 years ago and at this stage a hearing aid isnt really necc. Yaahay. The Doctor was a lovely guy but stank of smoke and sweat - needed a womans touch me thinks. He remarked on the MRI i'd had which he asked me if it showed a brain? :shock: I replied it did despite my blond locks. another reason to go brunette I think. OH against it. There was and old lady 80-90 with her carer who obviously was stone deaf and was bellowing - everyone smiled and prob hoped they wouldnt end up like that. Bless her.

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Spent a really satisfying day in the garden, moving the guinea pigs into their winter quarters in the greenhouse and fettling the walk in run. I've had a complaint from a neighbour about Bolt - he tends to yodel when he sees the kitchen light go on. OK if we don't get up until 6, but a bit awkward when it's OH going to work at 4.30am! :shock: Bolt and the pekins tend to sleep on branches above the eglu, so I've removed the branches and 'encouraged' them into the eglu and shut them in. Hopefully he will delay his doodling until a reasonable hour! :roll:

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Well done :D

I am getting organised for a trip down south to an English craft fair. I was sorting out my purse when I suddenly thought that most of my notes are Scottish and I know that they are sometimes not accepted or used not to be. It is too late now to go out to try to get some so will just need to go with my cards and what I have :? I will keep the few English notes I have up my sleeve incase the others are rejected :lol:

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Last time I went I was organised and had English notes but I forgot this time. OH has had problems in the London area with Scottish notes before. He said that he just told anyone who questioned him about them that he had made them that morning :roll: Hardly sensible, but apparently the folk then took them :lol: I can understand why people look twice at them as there are so many different designs.

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I used to work in a high street bank and we used to see no end of forged Scottish (mostly) and Irish banknotes. They were accepted by local shops and then found to be forged when paid into us at the bank. So I completely understand why English shops are reluctant to accept them. Sadly, the shop has to stand the loss for any fraudulent notes they accept from customers. They are actually not legal tender here either, so they are under no obligation to accept them.

(Sorry, that doesn't help your predicament, LolaLayla).

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Apparently they are legal currency but not legal tender. I didn't realise there was a difference :? .


The legal position with regard to Scottish Banknotes is as follows:


Scottish Banknotes are legal currency – i.e. they are approved by the UK Parliament. However, Scottish Bank notes are not Legal Tender, not even in Scotland. In fact, no banknote whatsoever (including Bank of England notes!) qualifies for the term 'legal tender' north of the border and the Scottish economy seems to manage without that legal protection.

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Senior moment - cat to vet yesterday came back with Metacam, antibiotics and stuff to bathe head. Son to drs this morning - 2 inhalers and antibiotics. Opened bag to give son inhalers and major panic - been given the wrong drugs. No silly me had picked up bag with a cat and dog logo on it :doh: and I was wearing my specs. Trip to optician being booked soon.

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