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That 30 inside 4 outside rule is bizarre, did they explain the reasoning?

Ive been very cautious about contact with people as I want to be able to see my mum. Still distanced, I sit outside and she sits by the patio window. I bought her a sheltered garden seat (for me really) so that she fretted less about me getting wet. It's an hr & qtr drive so I can't go too often and I don't use the toilet there.

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  On 10/14/2020 at 8:28 AM, Willow said:

That 30 inside 4 outside rule is bizarre, did they explain the reasoning?

Ive been very cautious about contact with people as I want to be able to see my mum. Still distanced, I sit outside and she sits by the patio window. I bought her a sheltered garden seat (for me really) so that she fretted less about me getting wet. It's an hr & qtr drive so I can't go too often and I don't use the toilet there.


In home situations you are supposed not to invite more than 3 people once a day right now. But I think they keep to the 30 indoors to keep theaters, cinemas etc going. And of course schools! Btw: we are still exempt from the 30 rule. I can have 32 students in a classroom and the 800+ students in the lunch hall is no problem either. But if the students are caught outside in groups of more than 4, they could be fined... 

We finally got a thermometer thingy too. And it boils down to everything closed in the end, but not schools. It says nothing about distancing students either.

I know there are lots of people much more affected than me right now. Lots of people losing their jobs etc and healthcare staff are up for it again. But I really don't understand this lack of measures in schools.

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My niece-in-law is a teacher in the U.K. I'm similarly frustrated about the lack of measures in schools. Some tape has been put around her desk forming a 1 m exclusion zone in each direction that (in theory)  the pupils are not supposed to enter and she has to take her own lunch and spend all day at her desk with no interaction with colleagues. It must be very stressful for teachers. 

Since the various governments have now realised how vital the childcare provided by schools is to keep people working they could justify expenditure on measures in schools as supporting the economy.

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My son is a teacher.  In his school in Surrey is finding that the main problem is getting tests back in a timely way when staff are ill.  As per usual, colds are going round and they have to test staff who have symptoms.  They have to isolate till the tests come back, so far all negative but sometimes they are off for a week.  

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  On 10/16/2020 at 8:29 PM, Patricia W said:

My son is a teacher.  In his school in Surrey is finding that the main problem is getting tests back in a timely way when staff are ill.  As per usual, colds are going round and they have to test staff who have symptoms.  They have to isolate till the tests come back, so far all negative but sometimes they are off for a week.  


Same here. And after months we finally got the government to agree to give teachers and healthcare workers a quicker appointment and result. But somehow that resulted in people having to drive 2,5 hours single trip to get tested... 

I got poked and prodded today at a privet lab as I want to go to Germany next week. And you have to have a negative test to be able to go to Germany now. 
test was fine, just the prize made my eyes water...

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The thing that is making me fuming mad about Lockdown: The Sequel is the fact that they're repeating a lot of the mistakes from the original run, and adding new ones.

I know some people I have spoken to don't seem to understand that, while children are unlikely to get sick, when they go to school they can transmit it among themselves, meaning they come home and pass it on to adults, some of whom get sick and some of whom just become carriers that pass it on and make other people sick, and thus the cycle continues. 🤦‍♂️

And so help me God if I find out Dominic has gone on another one of his walkabouts... 🤣

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If it wasn't stopped after being incarcerated for 3 months (not in Her Majesty's Pleasure) then a few weeks with loopholes is a waste of time.  It's not going away.  It never will and I'm so cheesed off with the whole thing that I could eat a cushion.  OH says that quite a lot of manufacturing gets shut down for 2 weeks over Christmas so they may be tagging it along with that.  And by then we'll be into 2021.  I can't see us being imprisoned for another year, it isn't sustainable - it isn't sustainable now!  As for the unelected beaurocrats I'm sure a few will carry on doing exactly as they please because they are beyond reproach - same for the odd few elected [potty mouth words required - insert as you wish] people.

And here we were last night watching War of the Worlds!  I said give the Martians the blooming covid!

On the plus side DD gets married tomorrow, she brought it forward because she anticipated the rules and regulations might scupper the latter part of the month, plus FIL's health is now deteriorating rapidly.  The venue cancelled the later booking anyway.  Good job she had plan B in place.  After the rumbles in the jungle, we feared it may not go ahead, but thankfully we have been spared.  DS has dropped out as a guest so that his aunt can drive the grandparents.  My mother was too scared and declined the invitation.  

I am a right grump bucket at the moment!  Ooooh cheering up - I see blue sky!


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If I remember correctly it was a human cold virus that finished off the aliens, so their equivalent of animal derived Covid.

Like everyone else I'm getting fed up listening to increasingly worsening statistics like 'the first vaccines will only be 50% effective and those that get immunity it will only last a few months'. Apparently it took 20 years to develop an effective SARS vaccine, so I'm beginning to accept that we are stuck with this virus and isolation, masks and social distancing will be the norm.

Annoyingly we stocked up on masks at €30 for boxes of 50, only to discover last week that the price has been capped and they are being sold for €6 a box. I'd have said we could have spent the money on a meal out or a drink, but everywhere is shut anyway.

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Happy Wedding Day to your daughter Valkyrie!  I feel sorry for your son though, that's a real shame.

Its certainly a very weird world, but I am trying to just go with the flow.  My OH gets very irate, but I have been through that once with another political thing recently, and I am now trying to practise a more Zen-like calm and accept things more, as being furious hurts me more than anybody else.  Its probably easier for me as I'm not trying to hold down/onto a job as well as a life.  But there are some things I think are positives, perhaps we think a bit more and don't just rush headlong into things and purchases because that's just what we do under usual societal expectations and with no time, and personally I am valuing interaction with my friends and family more, although its mostly virtual.  Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of terrible decisions are being made and unfairnesses continue, but I'm not sure anybody in Europe has got it right yet.

I have a UK nursing friend who is in an official covid cluster through work, and Portuguese friends rang last night to say she (police) has tested positive, and he is waiting (university).  Yesterday it was announced that 70% of the country is in partial lockdown as of 4th (so people/business can prepare), but its like the UK's Tier 2 except you have to work from home, and will last a fortnight, so its not going to do any good, and I suspect they will have to tighten things further.  Being Portugal, one of the measures is that shops have to shut at 10pm! 

If all else fails I am off to eat a cushion....that made me laugh!



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  On 11/1/2020 at 11:40 AM, Luvachicken said:

Don't do it Valkyrie !!

Do you know how many germs could be living on that cushion ? 😮 :wink:


Who knew back in February that 2020 would end with us all eating upholstery and furnishings?

Now I'm wondering what the calorific value of my new sofa is... I could do with losing some weight; it might be a new wonder diet! lol

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Will do,  Patricia and thank you.  

Because of the last minute changes and my reluctance to a) go shopping for clothes in town and b) find it hard to buy nice things online, I have discovered that since losing a bit of weight, I have new things in my wardrobe that I have never worn!  Dress is casual - for me it will be smart trousers and a flowery shirt to brighten it all up.  There, I knew I'd get into them one day.  I think I could squeeze in before but not sit down, now I have space for . . . a non-upholstery wedding breakfast!:lol:


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  On 11/1/2020 at 1:16 PM, Valkyrie said:

It was indeed and seems that 10 minutes walk away from where I grew up was destroyed - Chobham Common!  Loved the book though.  


Wow, I used to live in Chobham and roamed the common for hours as a youngster with nowt but a pack of jam sandwiches and a bottle of water! I remember when they filmed Superman there......but I digress! 

If EVERYONE did the face, hands, space thing then we could get on top of this but there are still pics in the press of people partying etc...........I don't understand the mad panic to lockdown now. We have a better understanding of the virus now than we did back in the early days as well as more experience of treating it. It seems bonkers to halt everything again when it didn't work first time round. For every expert who pronounces 'gospel' on the virus there is another along 5 mins later spouting the opposite. How on Earth can anyone work out what is going on! Grrrrr.......I'm that frustrated that I may even be tempted to nibble the duvet 🤣

Hope you all have a lovely day, Valkyrie, and make lots of wonderful memories! That family group with everyone masked up will be a talking point in years to come!


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Looking thro Netflix for another programme to watch we found one about a killer disease taking over the world. No way I said to OH too close to home. Stay safe all. Going off to chew a curtain

Sat out under carport with ES and OH drinking homemade soup. This will be what the grandchildren will ask about when we have them . Great plague of 2020

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