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Just popping in with a quick Bertie update...

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.....Morning all, hope you're all well, in response to the lots of lovely messages I've had asking how I am and how things are I thought I'd let you all know that Mr Bertie is back. He is dry (for the last 6 weeks anyway), I've changed my hours at work so instead of working until 2am 6 days every other week I now do 4 day shifts and 2 12 hour shifts so the latest I finish is 10pm which is bliss. I've been getting some sleep!! Which has made a HUGE difference to the house, I'm not so grumpy, stressed, moody, coupled with Mr B's lack of drinking means a much MUCH happier household. I didn't want to post for a long time because I was a bit embarrassed about admitting he was back, didn't want to seem like one of those perpetual victims which I don't want to be. But he asked to come back, he was given the rules (no drink. At all) and, so far, he has stuck to them. I had three very good reasons for letting him in, my three lovely children love their Dad, so I felt I had to give him one more chance. But it is last chance, and I'm not stupid, I'm expecting him to "fall off the wagon" and I will deal with that, what I'm more concerned about is what he does AFTER he falls off, because I'm not going back to how it was. I know from the time he was away how well I can cope, how happy I can be, but I know my children are happier with him here.

So, apart from trying to get used to not having all day every day to get stuff done due to that inconvenience called work, things are OK. I will also (avert your eyes now vegetarians and animal lovers) be dispatching our first cocerel for the table over the next week as he signed his own death warrant on Monday by yelling "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOO!" at the top of his voice! And it's such a shame as he is BEAUTIFUL and a complete wuss - gets chased by all the hens, but he's already started trying to tread on Tilly who is a tiny bantam, and he'll end up really hurting her or even killing her, plus it's a ovely novelty at the minute, but the neighbours won't be impressed soon I'm sure! In a weird kind of way I'm looking forward to it as it's going to feel like a HUGE step forward for me, I can then continue to hatch eggs with our broody hens without worrying what to do with the boys.


I've read some of the arrows, congratulations to all the new bumps! There's three at work too, not sure what was going on (or not) on the telly a few weeks ago but some of you were sure busy! :D


Thank you to everyone who has pm'd me, I can'tget on here nearly as much these days with work and stuff so I've been really bad and not managed to reply to half as many as I should.


Love to you all,


Mrs B

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So lovely to hear from you Mrs Bertie. :D I've been wondering how you are so it is great to hear how positive you are and how your home situation has improved. You must always make your own decisions so please, please don't think we will judge you! Your happiness and that of your children is the most important thing.


Good luck with saying farewell to your cockerel! :D



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Thanks for the update, I've been wondering how you were doing. It is great that you are able to have Mr B back and I say this because it is clear that you are doing it with your eyes open and you have a plan for what to do should he fall off the wagon. Hopefully, his dry period will be prolonged (my Dad managed 35 years!). Fingers crossed for you.


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Hi Mrs B, thanks for the update - you've been missed!

For what it's worth, I think you are doing brilliantly - hopefully he has had the short, sharp shock that alcoholics need to make them want to change their ways. Lets just pray that he is able to see it through and you get your lovely hubby back again. (((Big Hugs))) to you and yours. xxx

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Glad to hear your update Mrs B - was wondering how it was going. You sound as if you're in a much better place than you were a couple of months ago. Here's hoping things continue like this, do keep us updated - and as Claret says, we won't judge you on here. You have to do what's best for you and your family.


I hope the cockerel is tasty! Full marks to you, I'm too soft to do it but it's the logical conclusion after all.

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I was wondering how you were Mrs B and so glad to hear you sounding so positive.


Who are we to judge what you do with your life. It's your family and you must do what you think is best and we are all behind you.


The good thing that has come out of this is that you seem much more in control and confident.


Good luck with your cockerel, he's had a good life and will have a purpose in death - if that makes sense.

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:D I am really pleased to hear your news and so totally hope it all works out for you. There is nothing better in life than a happy marriage - for you both and for your children. I know the road ahead is still a minefield, but if Mr B can be honest with you, you will be such a strong support for him too and together you can learn to deal with his weakness and stop it spoiling your lives.


I really, really wish you both well. :D

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