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Oh collapses after holiday jabs

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Just feel like a rant, or just a general chat>


We went to docs yesterday for holiday jabs, all went well till oh had his. He said he was well in general and all jabs administered. Stood talking to nurse for a bit then had to sit in waiting room for 5 mins, thats when all hell broke loose.

oh said he didnt feel good, i said what do you mean (thinking he was being a wimp), i asked again what he ment and told him to sit back in the chair which he did. I got up to sit near him and he started fitting, eyes were open and staring at me. I screamed for help, the kids bless them were screeming and crying, i was trying to talk to him then screamed again for a doctor and ran for the nurse. 2 docs came when alarm was raised and dragged him onto the floor to bring him round.

After he came round one of the docs argued with me that he hadnt fitted! :twisted: I saw him I knew what happened so did the kids!


Anyway the docs called today to say that one of the docs did see him fit and he had had what they call a minor hepotic fit (SP) Does anyone know what this is and should i be worried?


He has to go for a ecg later. Seems ok a bit dazed and a sore head where they dragged him onto the floor and hit his head. He did say last night that he thought he had a migrane comming and his speach was a bit odd so will mention that today.


I havnt stopped shaking and am scared stiff of going to the doctors waiting room today.


Sorry just had to get it off my chest

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Omg poor you i had tears in my eyes reading that feeling for you and the kids!


So they didn't explain why he had it , i presume from the jabs then? just be glad it happened in the surgery not when you got home :shock:

hopefully it was a one of and he will be fine lots of (((((((((((( :D )))))))))))))))

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That's a very scary situation to be in, I hope that he gets all the tests and that it's only the one fit. I have heard that solitary fits can be triggered by vaccinations, one of our nurses on the forum will know more though.


My ex had a one off seizure caused by stress, luckily I had experience of dealing with fits and handled it before calling an ambulance because his blood pressure was really low.


I hate to say this, but you may find that the doc recommends that he doesn't drive for a while in case he has another one.

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How frightening for everyone - specially the children! I hope it was a one-off. That must be very worrying for all of you. It must be caused by the jabs or perhaps if he was nervous about having them... (I get really stressed out if I have to have even a tiny blood test - it's just the needles... :shock::? )


Wishing you a fantastic holiday - must be going somewhere exotic then eh? :wink:


(Remember to take some nice pics to make us all really :mrgreen: )





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Did he have migraine after the episode in Dr's? Several things spring to mind. Some people suffer anaphylaxis after jabs, become sweaty, collapse and pulseless, get swollen lips, cant breathe and can get rashes. Usually medical team administer adrenaline once or more and he would need to be admitted in case got secondary reaction. He may have just been under the weather and not wanting to put off jabs collapsed after. Or he may have have the fit at a later stage without the jabs. Fits happen for many reasons and I stress it may be a one off, high temperatures, faulty wiring in the brain, head injuries and tumours cancerous and benign. PLEASE PLEASE DONT PANIC AS I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE HAVE A ONE OFF AND NOTHING ELSE, however driving is out till reason found or at least check with your Gp as insurance may not cover you. I do hope you get an answer and soon. It may be an odd reaction to a travel jab. Please make a note of what he had for future reference. Wish you well and hope u get it sorted quickly. keep us posted on forum

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My ex wasn't allowed to drive for a year :? .

Yes Claret your right, it is you have to be seizure free for a year after any type of seizure before you can drive again.. unfortunately. :?


sorry to hear you and your family had to go through this.

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:shock: I hope he is ok - and gets a qiuick reason as to why.


My OH had vaccines on Monday for Yellow fever, tetanus, diptheria, polio and HepA along with anti malarials. Felt rough yesterday and went to bed at 6pm - would have been in bed all day if he had the choice though :(

Says he feels really stiff and sore today.


Keep my fingers crossed for you - poor children too having to witness their Dad taking ill :(

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Thanks everyone!


he seems ok today. had an ecg earlier and that seemed to be ok.


No onw has said about not driving but hes decided to work from home today and for the rest of the week.


Jabs he had was hep a&b cimbined, typhoid, and tetinus,polio,dip combined. said he felt funny then his arm started shaking, by the time i got to him literaly seconds he was ridgid and fitting! his eyes were open and staring at me but he wasnt there, i couldnt find a pulse all his skin felt hard and taught..just thank god we were at the docs.


Kids ok now son is a bit scared still which is to be expected, i think im still shaking!

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