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**Thread of little facts & things**

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I have an interview tomorrow for a job which is a long shot (to say the least!)....and I'm dreading it! :( I haven't been at work for a year due to maternity leave and because my office was closed down whilst I was away I have been at home for a couple of months trying to get answers about my future. My current employer don't know what to do with me and if I don't get something sorted out myself then I will be given notice of redundancy in February.


I'm finding it really hard to remember what I used to do and to find decent examples to give at an interview. :? I'm trying not to pin too many hopes on getting the job and just treating it as experience....

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Good luck Looney, that is really horrible not knowing what is happening. Wishing you well and we'll be there with you in spirit tomorrow.


The managers above me are going through the process at the moment and 22 people for 10 jobs and I really feel for them. They have day long selection process over the next few days and psychometric testing etc. Sign of the times.

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Well, the interview happened and I think I blathered on about everything and nothing...not too hopeful! BUT I survived and it was a pleasant atmosphere so good practise.


Was on the train next to a group of ladies drinking champagne on their way to something horsey at Olympia. I could have done with a glass of champers!!

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Most people who travel in Europe will have met monsieur and madame peepee. Those quite scary people who clean public loos and demand a fee.

In Heidelberg a loolady asked 'sprechen Sie Deutsche?' and when we said ja she gave us a discount. Half price loo break. Nice lady.


I loved it in Belgium and Germany when people struggled to understand me but didn't automatically start talking in English, they waited until I had had a couple of beers and then spoke in perfect English.

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Glad they're in! :D


My brother sent his off a couple weeks ago and has heard back with offers from Leicester, Liverpool + Canterbury and has just done an online assessmenty thing for Manchester!


Popped into work yesterday to collect a few signs + calendars to take to The Fed ... ended up staying + working all day! :lol:

Boss is up in Scotland so was all a bit hectic with loads of deliveries to send out so they asked if I'd mind. Other boss has hurt his hand so couldn't muck out or do the horses so I fed + haylage'd those :D

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Well, I got offered the job! But - and this is a major issue - they have stipulated that I need to be in London three times a week (this wasn't mentioned in the job advert). I live in Ely and OH already has to commute to London three times a week so this would leave us with one day per week when we are both 70 miles away from the children. No idea how we'd work out dropping off and picking up plus eldest is due to start school in September so hours will be even less work-friendly than at his current pre-school. Aaargh :(


If I don't get another job I will be given notice of redundancy on 1 Feb. Nothing happens recruitment wise between mid December and mid January due to holidays so I'm running out of time and options. We can't afford for me not to work but if I can't get a job that pays a certain amount then we can't afford to pay for childcare whilst I'm at work. :cry:


Sure things weren't supposed to be this hard! I'm hoping for a miracle lottery win..... :pray:

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Just how much noise would I have to make to get OH and YS to offer to help me get all the boxes for the tree & decorations down from the attic and put loads of stuff up there too :evil: ?


Apparently more than I made :roll: . They were both within about 6 feet of the attic ladder so they can't have failed to notice :evil: .


Sometimes it would be nice to have help offered rather than demanded :( .

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