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What have you all been making...part two...

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3 hours ago, Ursula123 said:

I love anything handmade but draw the line at soap, sorry Soapdragon. It's not just handmade soap bars but any soap bar as I have a huge phobia of it.

Happy to send you some of mine....it's no different to shop bought stuff  - honest!

Just now, Luvachicken said:

Fingers crossed for Tuesday and wishing you a speedy recovery xx

Bless you - fingers crossed they have a bed.........................

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Plum, when you said you'd been making houses, I thought you were doing a quilt with houses.  I realise you were making a miniature village!  That's so clever!

Soapy, hope all goes smoothly tomorrow.  Up and racing round in no time.  If it makes you feel better, my friend's mum had a fall and as a result had her hip replaced.  Having some sort of galloping dementia (not the normal sort - playing tennis and the ball hit her in the back of the head and blood supply stopped to the brain and cause the problem) she didn't do well in hospital, she refused to get out of bed and exercise and when they tried to help she just screamed.  So they discharged her for being uncooperative!  Now my friend has found a really nice care home, the physio has had her up and about and she's racing around with her frame - and is so delighted!   In a matter of days - not weeks!  

Soooo the point of that story is that you have your marbles (well do any of us chicken peeps ever have marbles in the first place?) and so you will be racing around.  Go Soapy, go Soapy!  I have my pompoms for you - but don't expect gymnastics and splits!!!!:dance:

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Thank for the good wishes, all! I'm still looking for those marbles, though Val  😉.

I have a brand new (to me anyway!)  Kaffe Fassett tapestry ready to put onto the frame to keep me busy thereafter. I think that Ehrman have 'gone off the boil' a bit recently but this is from the 90s. Anyone else a Fassett fan? 

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Very much so.  I have always loved his tapestries but never done one.  He changed the way a lot of quilters worked by introducing the bright bold contrasting coloured fabrics in large and small prints.  I love the brights and pastels though some others don't work for me at all.  I love his style, his art, his life and his books and exhibitions.  He's unpopular with a lot of quilters for not worshiping them and sometimes being rude and offhand.  But yes I'm a fan.

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I remember him years ago making bargello (spell check wants me to type Barbarella!!!!:roll::lol:) tapestry cushions.  Not really a fan of his fabric, but will say I do like seeing some of the quilts that use it to a much better effect.  A little too psychedelic for me!

Am working on Arkansas Crossroads for DD's wedding present.  I think I have 290+ days to get it done!  My lovely tidy sewing space looks like a tornado has struck and I'm sitting at Jezebel Janome in the doorway - not much space otherwise as I need to get to the cutting space and arghhhh!  I want my son's old room back in our old house!  Heaven knows how I'm going to stretch it and quilt it too!  Sassin' rassin' faffle!!!! 

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Bargello! I have a LOT of that! When we did 17th cent living history (or living misery, as OH referred to it!) I took up bargello as it's a 17th cent thing - there is a whole room 'wallpapered' in it at Chastleton House, north Oxfordshire...it's a bit headache inducing! Also, once you have worked your first line along the middle of the canvas you just follow it either side and so don't need a 'pattern' or pre printed canvas. Some of the modern designs are beasts though and require far more concentration that I could give them!

Good luck with the quilt Val! Sounds as though you have a major project on your hands 😉.

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Thanks for the good wishes! Indeed they don't let you lie; a friend had hers done 10 weeks ago with full anesthetic (I'm only getting a spinal block) and the physios were getting her excercising IN RECOVERY before she even made it onto the ward 🥴.

Given that you have to see GP for a referal to consultant, see consultant and get MRI scan agreement, wait for MRI appointment, have MRI and wait 6 weeks for result, see consultant again, go on waiting list for op it's best to get the ball rolling asap if you think you'll need it! If you made a GP appt tomorrow it would probably be September/October before you made it to theatre!

Still, I should make significant inroads into the Kaffe Fasset......then I'll need to look at the Ehrman site for inspiration for the next project!

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No op today.  Computers 'down' at all OUH hospitals (Radcliffe, NOC, Churchill, Warneford and Horton). Got sent home at 12 noon when it became obvious it would be between 3 and 8 hours to reboot the whole system. Surgeon has promised a re book either next Tuesday or the week after. 

Now, where did I put that tapestry!?

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10 hours ago, Plum said:

Sounds finger licking yummy.  Have you got another date yet? 


Yes, Plum....next Tuesday 11th hence the cake making! Everything I'd made in prep for the boys after the previous non event seems to have mysteriously disappeared :whistle:. Also it's YS 12th birthday today so the usual request for brownie instead of a 'proper' birthday cake!

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